Hydrographica's listening history
Do you remember those in your past who made your life more magical?
Lyrics @ http://wave.transmit-music.com/fade.html
Wave 2010 (RPM)
Remastered version, June 2010.
It is all about love, isn't it?
Lyrics @ http://wave.transmit-music.com/loveengine3.html
Wave 2010 (RPM)
This is a new song that started as a guitar pick, then got some words. I finally recorded this. It has 3 parts. Nylon guitar, Electric and voice. This is part of the "human racing" series I am working on.
Matter is surprising
Not what…
Had to do this in Live....
Not Much time to Record Lately..
One track through the MBR onboard mic..
Hope you Like it!
Tharek (OsCKilO)
Crown of Dust
By T.Mokbul
If wealth was found in Shitty eyes
A thousand diamonds…
This song was written for the retirement of a dear friend who was an art teacher. Her husband was already retired, and looked forward to being able to spend time with her. I wrote this from his point of view.
Thamyris invented the 8 string Cithara and challenged the muses to a musical duel. His punishment for losing was to have his hands cut off. Now all he can do is imagine one last chattar solo as he takes his last breath. The gods have taken away…
Figure Out- There are about 4-5 takes of this song, all different. The song started off in the key of D, but I couldn’t hit the notes in the chorus. I then tried it in A, but it was lacking drive and energy. I tried it in G, but I couldn’t get…