informal grae's listening history

oldrottenhead's avatar
words by oldrottenhead music by hooper I’ve come this way like those before me And those yet still to come It fills me with a sense of wonder To watch the rising sun how many times how many souls Have acted out these scenes It fills me with…
Lady Jane's avatar
I've been trying to put another one of Mike's poems to music, but not getting anywhere. Then jip threw this music at me, saying he hated it and asking if I could do anything with it. Pieces of Mike's poem went in and I sent it back to jip with…
Lady Jane's avatar
Lyrics have been adapted from a poem Mike wrote when he was in his teens. Enjoy! XOX
thetworegs's avatar
Well Reg has finally had some good luck he's stopped drinking or at least for a while and a beautiful girl has walked into his life she the one? Love is in the Air (Lyrics) I couldn’t believe my luck as she walked in through the door wandered…
General X's avatar
this started with the track that sounds like some sort of digital chicken to me
General X's avatar
folk - ish. My wife and I lived in the mountains at one point, this is a song about the maountains and the valley below
General X's avatar
Singer/songwriter simple acoustic track. I wrote these lyrics in church one day, they wanted us to move to the middle of the aisle, I don't like the middle of the aisle
kavin.'s avatar
Greg Connor's avatar
Steve Krell (SLKrell) and I have been feuding over the same girlfriend for a while now. In fact, there are several songs about her on Alonetone. Here is the latest in the story: SLKrell says it’s a drag Rosie made him pack his bag Always…
General X's avatar