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My Man, By Inge , recorded 27-2-13


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My man,

I wrote this song for my husband, who I love very much.
He is so special to me.
He makes me feel myself.
And I love him the way he is.


My Man written feb 2013

You walked straight into my life
But you could’t know cause to many times I let myself be hurt by a man.
So my head said run as fast as you can run, run away while you still can
So he can’t break your heart.

No man, ever again

I was sitting on a chair big enough for two to rest, all alone
When I saw you standing there, you were dancing but you were alone to.
You were gorgeous, I watched you, oh how you struck me right into my confused heart
While my feet were hatching this wild plan: walking to this man

This man, I am happy that they did, this man

So I hear myself saying: “who are you anyway?”
While my heart is waiting for you to walk away
But you took my hand and walked to the chair, and houres later we were stil sitting there.

Cause two of a kind makes a full house, your words around me playing cat and mouse
My arm around you, you are my kind of fool
Yes you do, yes you do
I never felt this but I feel it with you

My man

You are gorgeous , I watch you , oh how you strike me every day we’re together
I am happy that you walked straight into my heart

My man.

Endicott Road's avatar
Endicott Road said

Lovely. Very intimate feel to your voice and the lyrics. ER

another cultural landslide's avatar
another cultural landslide said

Absolutely beautiful. Wonderful vox.

Keith Landry's avatar
Keith Landry said

So pure and beautiful.

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