John Robson's listening history
So Jessica recorded this in one take. It won't be long before I'm just the guy that hits record.
...And she's already working out the harmonies.
Yes, there's a new album coming. This summer, actually. LOTS of music.
I thought I'd offer this appetizer . . . . the final version will have lyrics/vocals.
More to come . . .
written by Marc Poirier
"I am a fool I'm afraid"
RPM 2015
written by Danielle Poirier
"Like your feet sinking down..."
RPM 2015
If you leave me behind I'll have a crow's nest of a life
Filled with things that sparkle and flash,
Rusty nails and old tin cans
Sure, they're pretty when they get wet
But it ain't the most comfortable bed
Unless you're here
I've been…
Keyboards (bagpipes) performed by Starry Nightmoth. Lead guitar by George Harrison. Vocals and all other instruments performed by Gene Eric Mann. Thunder and rain by Mother Nature. Lyrics by John Lennon.