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Echo Burning

John Robson

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A little jazz-funk for your delectation. My homage to Jeff Beck’s 1975 masterpiece album “Blow By Blow”. The title is the name of a Lee Child book I was reading at the time I was writing the tune.

Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

Loving your stuff so far. Although I'm a guitarist, it's not often "guitar only" music holds my attention for more than a track or so - but you're managing it easily!

James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

That's even cooler if you can program drums all by yourself. I just tap them out on my midi keyboard sometimes, or whack a snare drum, add some reverb and pull it back in the mix. About THE WINNOWING, I don't know if it's obvious but I sang all the parts.

John Robson's avatar
John Robson said

Thanks mate. The drums aren't live, I'm afraid - programmed in Cakewalk Studio Instruments

James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

Welcome to Alonetone. And thanx for listening to my songs. I like this. So sparse. So nimble when you go to the second guitar. Are those live drums?

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