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Florencia - I would telll you the chords
but I don’t know what they are…

The tide is going out in Avila
I can feel it in my blood
Here I am in South beach Florida
Just like you knew I would
Florencia, I’ve been waiting for your call
Florencia, you make me feel so small

There’s a place in California
Where the coast is always clear
You said you’d be in Florida
I can’t find you here
Florencia, you feel so far away
Florencia, perhaps we’ll meet again some day.

I think I’ll take my guitar
Hike down to the beach
Write another song about
You so outta reach…


© 2013 Royal T Music

FLORENCIA did the music for DARK BLOOD. George said she was upset because he also used some of my music in the film. I wanted to make her like me. We finally got together in Miami. We were there for a showing of DARK BLOOD at the MIAMI FILM FESTIVAL. I would only see George one more time after that, in Montreal.

James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

Florencia Di Concilio It’s not the first time someone writes me a song, though it is the very first time I actually like it. I love the song, to tell you the truth! You’re awesome James Michael Taylor! You made my day. ❤️

Lady Jane's avatar
Lady Jane said

I like this... I can even detect a hint of moonbeams lol x

terrysongs's avatar
terrysongs said

Wow this is a real great one ,100% special J.M.T. magic.
