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People keep saying that it’s a big ocean
There’s more than one fish in the sea
Where did they get such a ridiculous notion
What’s fishin’ between you and me

Fishin’ or fusion, photo voltaic cells
Wind mills and hydrogen too
And amid the confusion, what works and what sells
What’s truly BS and what’s true

Give me some business and make me a motion
Give me something real I can see
The line has been drawn and I’ve got the potion
What’s fishin’ between you and me

Fishin’ and huntin’, hikin’ the trail
Trackin’ and paying the fee
Canoes and conundrums, rapids and falls
Just holler and hold on to me

Sillly the notion that we’re just a couple
That there’s more than one you and me
What are they drinkin’ and what are they smokin’
For truth give me one cup of pee

Pissin’ and cussin’, kickin a can
runnin’ and yellin’ “Home free.”
It takes one to know one and it’s all in the plan
and there’s only one you and one me

People keep saying that it’s a big ocean
There’s more than one fish in the sea
If I’s goin’ fishin’ that’s something worth knowing
I’ll go if you’ll go with me

©2009 Royal T Music

Guest said

I can see you sitting on a stool in front of a live audience. Really cute song.
