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Fort Worth Shoeshine

I was shining his shoes when he asked me strait out,
“What kind of place is this Fort Worth town?
What kind of people live here and what do they do?
I’m gonna be in town for a week or two.”

I spoke right up with my normal reply:
“What kind of folks was in your previous life?
Tell me about the people in your previous life.
What kind of car did your daddy drive?
What kind of girl did you choose for a wife?
Now, tell me about the people in your previous life.”

About noon today, with Spring in the air
This fella with penny loafers stepped up in my chair
He said, “I’m new in Fort Worth and I’d like to know
what kind of folks live in this old rodeo?”

I spoke right up with my normal reply:
I said, “What…what? Tell me.”
Tell me about the people in your previous life.
What kind of car did your daddy drive?
What kind of girl did you pick for a wife?
Now, tell me about the people in your previous life.”

That’s what you’ll find here. More of the same.
All dressed up with a different name.
But that’s what you’ll find. I guaren-damn-tee ya.
I’m sure you’ll agree the next time I see ya.

Well the clouds roll in and the thunder cracks
And the lighting sparkles on the railroad tracks
When the oak trees shiver and the horses high-tail it
When the windows start to rattle, grab a hammer and nail it
When there’s hay in the field and it’s too late to bale it.
Tie your boat to a tree ‘cause it’s too late to sail it

I say, “Tell me about the people in your previous life.
What kind of car did your daddy drive?
What kind of girl did you choose for a wife?
Now, tell me about the people in your previous life.”

(C) 2008 Royal T Music
Arranged and played by my son, Ra Byn.
