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When I wrote this I thought
the idea was pretty far-fetched.
Little did I know…

I started this song in Nashville.
I was hanging out with Lisa Aschmann.
She was going to tell me a melody for it
but that never happened
so I took the chords to SCOTCH AND SODA
and did it myself…


If you left me I wouldn’t wanna talk
I’d put your sandals by the curb and I’d take a little walk
I’d buy a roll of paper towels and I’d soak up every tear
Hang it on the clothes line. Just watch them disappear

If you left me I wouldn’t wanna think
I’d buy a batch of “oopsy” paint and mix it right here in the sink
And I’d paint out all your colors and I’d paint out all your smells
And I’d paint whiskers on your pictures. Have my way with your pastels

I’d bang my head against the window till I broke out all the pain
And then I’d throw your beach towel up on the counter
Till it soaked up all the rain


If you left me I wouldn’t want to eat
I’d stash the bird feed in the freezer right next to your parakeet
I’d scoff at all my hunger and be mean as I could be
And I’d waste away to nothin’ just so you couldn’t see

I’d bang my head against the window till I broke out all the pain
And I’d throw your beach towel up on the counter
Just to soak up all the rain

If you left me I wouldn’t wanna live
I’d be a rhyme without a reason. A rope without a shiv
I’d steal the paper from the neighbors. Leave my trash out by the curb
And I’d turn on my car alarm, put out a sign, “DO NOT DISTURB.”

IF YOU LEFT ME I wouldn’t wanna. I, I wouldn’t wanna
I just wouldn’t wanna

(c) 2006 Royal T Music
