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Midnight in Cowtown. 90 degrees
Too hot for a blanket. Too hot for a sheet
The trash on the sidewalk is trying to sleep
Breathing the bus fumes on Lancaster Street

Sunshine brings tacos. Sunshine brings beans.
Sunshine brings water on that first Thursday scene
Sunshine brings music and coats for the lean
Not enough sunshine on Lancaster Street

We are the people that pause when we meet
Pacing from Cyprus to Riverside

Under the freeway. Under the tree.
Men with badges tell us to leave
My sign on the ramp that says, “Anything! Please?”
Then back to the Quick Stop on Lancaster Street

(Bb) Mission is crowded. (Am) Beds almost filled
And all I need is a two-dollar bill

…and who will push me when I lose my feet
Wheel chairs and crutches on Lancaster Street

High Noon in Cowtown 100 degrees
Hotter the black top. Hot the concrete
Holes in the soles that shelter my feet
In the summer they burn. In the winter they freeze.

(c) 2017 Royal T Music

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James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

Connie Pittman Ramsey Jesus, James! Brilliant. Powerful. Heart-wrenching. Thank you. I had not heard this album!!! I will have to listen later, but thank you, thank you for sharing this one! We should be ashamed. I know I am.

James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

Lauryl Blossom James, oh, I know. Walk those woods after dark, careful not to wake the sleeping souls. I lived in West Meadowbrook. I'm not sure if you remember, but you and I met through Sunshine. I love your song.

Guest said

I love and hate this song. The pain of it is a lot to process. You are so good at your craft.

James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

Laurie Callinan - Its very beautiful. Love the line about the garbage trying to sleep.

James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

Connie Pittman Ramsey Visually sorrowful and heartfelt.... Thank you James, once again, for going where most dare not go

pharmakeus's avatar
pharmakeus said

not enough tacos

pharmakeus's avatar
pharmakeus said

Awesome track. Brilliant

pharmakeus's avatar
pharmakeus said

Dour guitar. Lush vox. Great lyrics. Great track :)

Guest said

Heart breaking. Yet, beautiful artistry. I listened and tears came.

Guest said

riveting essay on the realities of this well known avenue

Brett Warren's avatar
Brett Warren said

Yeah, very nice! Everything is given proper space to "breathe", so to speak. Really draws me in in that intangible sort of way that music sometimes does.

Guest said

As Colleen Dillon said, haunting. Crying.

JR James's avatar
JR James said

Listening to your songs evokes imagery of being a lonely and mysterious character stuck in an old dusty town.

Colleen Dillon's avatar
Colleen Dillon said

Cool feel to this one. Haunting
