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Mamma keeps a asking when I a coming home
I said, “See ya on your birthday,” but what does Mamma know?
Mamma’s got damintion running round her so
Mamma doesn’t get it but my daddy might know

Mamma’s got demintion. You know I got …..
Give her mashed potatoes, she thinks she’s eating greens
She say. “Buddy came to visit,” Buddy died a year ago
Mamma doesn’t get it but my daddy might know

Yeah, Mamma doesn’t get it but my daddy might know
Yeah, Daddy might know that I’m not coming’ home
Mamma doesn’t miss it but my daddy might know

Mamma will be ninety in the middle of the year
Daddy would remind her if she would only hear
But Mamma only listens to religious radio
Ya see, Mamma doesn’t get it but my daddy might know

They’re gonna bury Mamma in the Tennessee hills
Not far from Alabama where the kinfolks lives
And they’re bound to send a letter. Chase me everywhere I go
But I will never get it and my daddy might know

Well, my Mamma doesn’t get it but my daddy might know
My daddy might know that I’m not comin’ home
My Mamma doesn’t get it but my daddy might know

When Mamma was a baby, a long time ago
She said she had hair like an angel’s halo
She said she would protect me no matter where I go
Mamma doesn’t miss it but my daddy might know

Mamma doesn’t get it but my daddy might know
My daddy might know that I’m not comin’ home
My Mamma doesn’t get it but my daddy might know

(C) 2008 Royal T music

lsnaples's avatar
lsnaples said

What's the twanging in the background? Upbeat song about pretty depressing topic.
