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capo @ 3 in G
James Michael Taylor 09 26/7 14

VERSE ONE - You said you knew the story would upset me G
That you’d resolved to kept it to yourself G D
You said you knew how hard it would hit me D
You said that you had told nobody else D G

VERSE TWO - I see now that you’ve gone back to drinking G
You slur your words and run your pretty mouth G7 C
Contrary to what you may be thinking C G
I’d be over all of this if I knew how D G

CHORUS ONE - You had to go and tell me G C
It’s so like you to spill the beans C G
What happened to your tender mercies G D
You know exactly what I mean (it tortures me) D G

You just had to go and tell me
That you saw them at the store
picking out a sack of oranges
Please don’t tell me any more

VERSE THREE - Instrumental

VERSE FOUR - (And now you) say you saw them later at the Stables
They sang a duet and he sang off key
You say it looks like she has robbed a cradle
And somehow you think that should comfort me

BRIDGE - I tremble now from too much information Em C
Try to hold myself together you can see Em C
The less I know the more the memories wither B C
Like leaves in Autumn falling from the trees G D

CHORUS TWO - You had to go and tell me
You couldn’t let it be
As it was it always shall be
You’re still so good at hurting me

I say that I no longer suffer
I swept that heartache out the door
But I choke up and I smother
Please don’t tell me any more

If I no longer suffer
What are all these sad songs for
And why do I choke up and smother
Please don’t tell me any more

© 2014 Royal T Music

James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

Remember that song, PLEASE DON'T TELL ME ANY MORE? You wrote. "What a hateful, miserable person that big mouth is." Well, Big Mouth, yes, and oblivious, but he's one among us and non of us think of him as hateful. People say things in a flash, not having a clue to how it's going to land.

James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

Cathy Maxwell Jesus, what an asshole. Actually, you are the only one NOT an asshole in that coversation, including the subjects of said conversation!

James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

Robert White I sang along with this James Michael Taylor! Every Verse was Heart Felt! Easy Song and Words to Follow! Thank You for Sharing! Be Safe! From One Musician to Another! 🤗

James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

Jeff Prince At least you squeezed a good song out of the gut punch.

James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

Ashley VanArsdel I know the feeling. It's almost like people think it's funny or something. I'm sorry.

James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

Shawnee Smith Ray What a hateful, miserable person that big mouth is

James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

Lee Snaples That sounds like somebody who has their own issues.

James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

Lane Beauvais Whether what he said was true or not, it was cruel, insensitive slap and a prime example of "truth" best left unspoken. And then there is the great song that you wish you hadn't had to write.

Guest said

Yup a classic! Great job James

Guest said

JQ- What a great song! Classic JMT! He paints masterpieces in my mind with words! "The less I know the more the memories wither... Like leaves in Autumn falling from the trees." What a great line!
