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Capo @ 5 in C
Back in 2008 I was the recording secretary for the Fort Worth Singer/Songwriter Association. I submitted this song at our annual contests and was awarded a plaque
for BEST COMEDY SONG, which I consider a serious misunderstanding …. but seriously, Peggy had just left me and the suicide reference was a serious consideration.

I am a Gemini.
That means there are two of me.
I’m anything I pretend to be
Because I’m a Gemini.

Pluto, give me a break.
Oh, for Heaven’s sake.
Leave Sagittarius alone.
Go on now, go on home.
Pluto, give me a break.

You say you’re Sagittarius
and take yourself serious.
Send Pluto on home.
He trends to roam
And it’s making me delirious.

Because I am a Gemini.
That means there are two of me.
I’m anything I pretend to be
Because I’m a Gemini.

You’ve had twelve years now to get it together
And it’s time now to take it apart.
I’ve been trying to figure out whether
To kill myself or go back to my art.

But I am a Gemini.
I’d only kill one of me,
And what do you know,
I’d be a Scorpio.
Bye, bye to a Gemini.

Yes, I am a Gemini.
That means there are two of me.
I’m anything I pretend to be
Because I’m a Gemini.

(C) 2008 Royal T Music

lsnaples's avatar
lsnaples said

A fun song you could play for the right crowds and really do well, and they say you don't write happy songs. :) This is a good change of pace song for you, if you feel a set getting too serious, throw this one in as palette cleanser.
