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Without Thinking 110519 - DOG AT THE GATE

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capo @ 3 in C

C I do things without E thinking
Am (walk down) I admit it’s true
But I do C nothing without G thinking about C you
Am I turn a corner
Em I pump some gas
F I fold a pillow case
C I wash a G glass
I stand in the kitchen
Am Forgetting what Em for
F Remembering

I do things without thinking
It’s the best that I can do
But I do nothing without thinking about you
The sky is falling
The leaves are red
Memories like movies
Play in my head
I stand in the hallway
Bare feet on the floor

Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

This one touches me.

Guest said

Jimmy, I like this one. You mentioned the other day, that you might consider adding some cello to one of your new songs... ??? This version is only 2:09... seems to me... there might be plenty of room for a few bars of cello instrumental to float around between the words! But you know me... I have often mentioned to you, how good some of your instrumentals really are... and I have often thought that you, yourself, under appreciate yourself... when it comes to your own instrumentals. Good song... JohnQ
