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THE WINNOWING WIND - 121511 - The Winnowing

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The Winnowing Wind

I feel the wind blow thru me
Oh, please don’t let it undo me
Let it level and true me
The Wind. The Winnowing Wind

And here I stand, alone, against the wind,
And, who am I to think that I
Can stand alone against the Sky?

And when you whisper too me
Your healing words so soothe me
Your pruning will renew me
The Wind. The Winnowing

I feel the Wind blow thru me
Oh, please don’t let it undo me…

Oh, why am I and what am I?
And who am I to think that I
Can stand alone against the sky?

When you whisper to me
I hear the Wind blow
Your healing words so soothe me

I feel the Wind blow
Your pruning will renew me
Oh, let the Wind blow
The Wind. The Winnowing Wind

(c) 2007 Royal T Music
From the album: THE WINNOWING

James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

Linda Linder That was lovely . What a wonderful sound of voices in harmony . I forgot how much I enjoy listening to a choir ! Thank you for sharing !!

James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

Candy Davis That's so much fun, singing with oneself, laying down multiple tracks. Your Winnowing Wind is such a polished, beautiful example of the magic of music. Love

James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

Lazarus Knight Beautiful arrangement and vocal peformance. When I noticed the 2007 copyright it made me wonder if the song was written and recorded before or after a certain life changing event that year.

James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

David Young We both loved it! Very beautiful!

James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

Paul Smith Very cool

James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

Very nice! I like the way you’ve composed this song; it is musically expressive of the central metaphor. Jenni Mansfield Peal

Greg Connor's avatar
Greg Connor said

Wow! Beautiful lyrics and accompanying music.

Guest said

I love the way this song moves the chords fluidly, appropriate to the subject. Very pretty! And I have felt the winds of change blow through me, as well as atmospheric winds, so I like the metaphor.

Guest said

Beautiful ethereal experience...
