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Am - He trembles like a Tamborine
Dm - His thoughts in words adorned
E - She puts her fingers to his lips
Am - Sufficiently informed
She knows a primal language
That answers all his fears
And in the silent darkness
She will kiss away his tears

Though her words are oft repeated
They fail to reassure
He quakes there in the silence
Like the spasm of a lure
And from her sleep she stumbles
To find him crying there
Eyes wide, in the darkness
His body wracked with fear

E - Can the maker of the pain
Be the bringer of the cure?

And she would pull him to her
And wordless, calm his heart
And they would come together
And sated, fall apart
Her sensual réassurance
Would last him til the dawn
And each new day drew closer
To her time for moving on

Can the maker of the pain
Be the bringer of the cure?

And from her sleep she stumbles
To find him crying there
Eyes wide, in the darkness
His body wracked with fear
And she would pull him to her
And wordless, calm his heart
And they would come together
And sated, fall apart

Can the maker of the pain
Be the bringer of the cure?

(C) 2008 Royal T Music

Guest said

I meant Tiger Lilies not Threepenny Opera, Lol

Guest said

Love it! Shades of Leonard Cohen meets Threepenny Opera! Thanks JMT!

Guest said

Nice little angelic voices there JM. Great lyrics!
