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One day I was up on my ladder, cleaning the leaves out of the gutters when I realized why I was there, doing that.


I hear your voice and I go get my ladder
I pull on my gloves. I climb up to the gutters
When the leaves gather ‘round. Talk about the weather I hear your voice

And I hear your voice and I dig out our blanket
The ‘lectric controller, grandmother’s quilt
You always said it before I could think it

I hear your voice in the distance
I know what you’d say to me this time of year
And tho you are gone I be still and listen
Your voice is still clear

Instrument break – Verse

Repeat Chorus

I hear your voice as I climb down the ladder
“Watch your step, now. And you be careful”
When the leaves cling together and soak up the weather
I hear your voice

(c) 2008 Royal T Music

James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

Kat Angel Wow! Through your words, I heard my mother, my father, my sisters and brother, my grandma and grandpa, myself talking to my husband, my best friend. I suppose we are all that predictable in time and in retrospect. You made me think and travel through time.

James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

Joseph Brunelle Haunting Sentimental heart on the sleeve and knot in the pine

James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

Belinda Stephens - Lovely, James. Who are you singing about? James Michael Taylor Belinda Stephens Specifically, Peggy. But we all have the voices of our parents and children and other loved ones that we live with.

James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

David Young Wow! Beautiful song! One of your best.

Guest said

Thank you❤️

Guest said

What a beautiful, contemplative song! For me, it evokes memories of my mom.
