James Michael Taylor
When I wrote this, 50 years ago,
I was afraid it would seem like nothing happened.
Bali Hi, at 6th and Broadway
Just a little place where people go
To have a quiet drink,
Listen to the band and think.
Maybe meet a friend, you never know
I said, “Hi, I’m kinda lonely.
My wife and I just had a fight.
I’ve been married seven years.
I’ve got three kids, now it appears,
I just need someone to talk to tonight.
She said, “Hi, I’m kinda thirsty
I could sure enjoy something cold.”
She said, “My interest is stirred.
If you’ll just let me add a word.
That’s the same story I would have told
I said, “Say, you understand then.”
She said, “Of course I do,
We’re a lot the same.
I’ve been married seven years.
I’ve got three kids, now it appears
I just need someone to talk to tonight
“Drink up you all. It’s time to go now
The band’s all packed up.
I’ve got to turn out the lights.
Married seven years. Got three kids,
Now it appears, it’s time to go on home tonight”
From Bali Hi, at 6th and Broadway
Just a little place where people go
To have a quiet drink,
Listen to the band and think.
Maybe meet a friend. You never know.
(C) 1976 Royal T Music
Damien Carroll Recorded in 1976? Sounds so fresh. Love the sentiment. I hear touches of Willie Nelson.
Keith Haas That was a cheap wine was it not? I think they were sipping 7 Up.
Candy Davis James Michael Taylor A true classic. Deceptively simple, yet so many feelings in there: angst, loneliness, and hope, all rolled into one. Davis When I wrote this, 50 years ago, I was afraid it would seem like nothing happened. Thank you for being able to read between the lines.
A true classic. Deceptively simple, yet so many feelings in there: angst, loneliness, and hope, all rolled into one. Candy Davis