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James Michael Taylor

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Randy Brown and I did a little co-write this evening and this is what we came up with…

I MISTOOK IT FOR THE MOON Capo @ 2 Key D (Play in C positions)

I was coasting across West Texas/Had my top down, it was late at night
I caught a coyote in my high beam/Jack rabbits scattering left and right
I was somewhere’s outta Pecos/That Monahans sand dune
Something captured my attention/And I MISTOOK IT FOR THE MOON

I’ll admit I’ve got some problems/But my eyes are purty good
When I’m wearing my brand new glasses/Like my license says I should.
But a star’s supposed to coast real slow/Like a rattler across the dune
And there was something comming right at me/And I MISTOOK IT FOR THE MOON

               E                     Am

CHORUS…His radio was glowing
E Am
Bill Mack played Charlie Pride.
He pulled off on the shoulder
He bowed his head and he sighed..

Am)Was it my imagination/Or a blood clot in my brain
Bb)The rays of illumination/Like a headlight on a train
A)I felt my heart stop pounding/I could tell the end was soon
So, he grabbed his pen and his pad and he wrote/I MISTOOK IT FOR THE MOON.

CHORUS…His radio was glowing
Damn that Charlie Pride.
He laid his head on the steering wheel
He breathed one last breath and he died.

Out there on the desert/About a mile off the interstate
The vultures had their picnick/Ya’ll come now and don’t be late
He never thot it would happen/Just another dream of his
But he’d told his oldest daughter/He’d hoped it would end like this

That’s a story my Mama told me/back when I was a kid
Times are different now, you know/We don’t do things like they used to did
Now the nights are deep and peaceful/Like the shadows on the dune
And sometimes, when that train shines its light in my eyes

James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

Wow. That is a good one. Michelle Soto

James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

As for the song, you did a nice job of imagery and I wasn't sure what was really happening. I'm used to the stories being biographical and the "and then he died" threw me a little. I don't think it flows off the tongue like some of your others, but I like it. - Lee Snaples

James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

I just listened to your ' I mistook it for the moon' I wanted to comment and lost the post so I'm commenting g here. You are such an amazing writer. Karen Lee

James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

Steve Satterwhite this. is. great.

Guest said


James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

Lazarus Knight I don't quite understand what happened, but that doesn't diminish my appreciation of this song.

James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

Haunting. A different take on driving a dark desert highway, cool wind in your hair....Tim Tandy

James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

I love the"Mistook Moon" song! Like one of your fans commented, it's both a story and magical! Definitely a sense of the magical. I relate to the voice of the song... my vision is so wonky these days, when I am riding w/ Greg or Shanna (my red-heaired daughter) I have had a couple of screaming scares (terrifying my driver) thinking an odd play of light and shadow was another car we were about to hit full speed! So I can understand, mistaking a train for the moon. Only for me it would have been reversed: I would have screamed and duckedin terror from the moon! Gwyn Henry

James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

Martha Es I love it!! That's an amazing song! It's emotional, but also mystical magical. I like how you put the lyrics with the song.

Guest said

A story in a story in a story... sort of lullaby-esque

stoman's avatar
stoman said

You have everything a good songwriter needs: A guitar, a voice, and a bunch of great stories to tell. Regards, Steffen

thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said

A beauty of a track!

Guest said

Ah another gem from the master story-teller.

Guest said

always a great story line....happy turkey day

Guest said

Wow. Thanks. That was an unexpected ending.

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