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James Michael Taylor

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TWO POUNDS - (Diethylstilbestrol Daughters)

“DES, which was once prescribed to prevent miscarriages, caused obesity, rare vaginal tumors, infertility, and testicular growths among those exposed in utero.”

Capo @ 7
Am. Dm
She put a message up on Spacebook.
Am. E
She lost two pounds in the last week
C. G
The same two pounds that she lost last month.
E Am
The only pounds that she won’t keep

Remembering when I was in high school
I had a calf for FFA
I fed him grain and hay and cottonseed meal
He gained about a pound a day

And then my agriculture teacher
Gave me this pill to give my steer
Beneath the skin on his left shoulder
Oh, my! What have we here?


TWO POUNDS. He gained two more pounds a day
TWO POUNDS. That made three pounds every day
D. E
A single hormone pill. That’s not much, but still, TWO

My calf would piss out in the pasture.
Spread his pies there at my feet
Rains would wash it to the river
It would reside there in his meat

It’s called Diethylstilbestrol
DES will do the trick
We drink the water eat the burger.
Then wonder why we get so sick

We blame ourselves because we are ugly
We blame ourselves when we get fat
We blame ourselves when we get cancer
The Rich would want us to do that

TWO POUNDS. He gained two more pounds a day
TWO POUNDS. That made three pounds every day
A single hormone pill. That’s not much, but still TWO POUNDS

(C) 2012 Royal T Music

James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

Good song. lol Lauren Haas

James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

Kat Angel Interesting song 🙂

James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

Holy cow. What a song. Michael Rehahn

Guest said

Damn, James you really sound like nile young

Greg Connor's avatar
Greg Connor said

A provacative story, and the scary thing is that it's true.

terrysongs's avatar
terrysongs said

A amazing bit of information to share with a broad spectrum of the populous

Guest said

If I remember it correctly, this track is more poignant sounding than the previous version. I liked the way you softened the vocal for the,"We blame ourselves....." and I still love the chorus. Nice intro and outro too.

terrysongs's avatar
terrysongs said

very informative James, I'm so happy my fat ass can be blamed on somebody else

Guest said

This is enchanting. I really enjoyed your story, the chorus is clever and I love the dual vocal used to great effect.

kavin.'s avatar
kavin. said

I like how you do your harmonies. Give those guys a raise.

terrysongs's avatar
terrysongs said

how cool is this, and it is such a nifty way to blame our troubles on the bad guys who run everything (those bastards)

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