jazzsequence's listening history

sinuata's avatar
The execution is not perfect, but the concept works.
Gumbo's avatar
Cave Street posted a track recently, their contribution to the Woody Guthrie Project, organised by Akron Family. http://akronfamily.com/woodyproject/W.G.A..html I wanted to take a shot at this too, so here's my demo. It was really just half…
Gumbo's avatar
This is a bonus track as it didn't make the album For those of you who know my stuff - does this sound like it works? or is it too much like filler - the vocals are effected, there's a drum loop - the guitar is just chopped out of a jam - i…
aphelion's avatar
Cave Street's avatar
it's like an onion bell forever ringing angels demons laughing screaming it's like an onion bell forever dreaming children playing dancing singing
Cave Street's avatar
Dedicated to my friend Paul Lennon. Once You asked me If I could see the end It's okay to tell the truth I don't want you to pretend And I said I would not lie But I don't believe it ends It goes on And on Forever Forever It goes on…
Cave Street's avatar
Featuring Otis Maly on Organ. Maybe it’s a trick of the light The way your eyes shine at me I don’t want to fight and I can’t take flight Somethin’ tells me I’m gonna see Just what spell you put on me I can’t let you out of my sight…
minus the hat's avatar
Three weeks in the snow.
minus the hat's avatar
...all one and the same.
minus the hat's avatar
Memories flash, past my eyes I'm seeing, only illusions, trickling back in time.