minus the hat
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No life remains in balance,
we're swept up in winds of chaos.
I see the fire on the mountain,
thunder cracks in the air,
the cold air leaves me breathless,
waves break ahead.
I saw her dancing, like the light on the ocean,
I lay back down, looked up to the sky.
The sun beat red and joined the horizon,
the day was fading as she was coming alive.
As the sun set on Bloody Foreland,
I lay by the sea, dreamt on a…
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RPM 2011 number 2. Inspired by an ex-friend of mine who had the most dazzling rose tinted glasses. Always used to envy the simplicity of his view and how nothing could ever get to him (everything gets to me).. since i knew him I know a lot of…
jpeg is Centaur 2 by SnowSkadi
A while back Kraig Grady, the author of the JI tuning "Centaur" asked me to transpose my piece Centaur's Pasture composed in his tuning to different "keys" in order to hear the different character each transposition…
This is the song that's responsible for the creation of this band in the first place. It was originally intended to be used with another band of mine, but kept growing and changing, until it no longer suited that band.
Since then, I have a full…
Latest Comments
Walking backwards simultaneously
great drawkcab pieces. Making time. Multi-task. Ooooooh, nice vocals now too. I like this house you've built.
Your music, sounds so, steampunk to put no finer a point on it, like retro retro
Minus the Hat has been experimenting with music, amongst other things, for a long time now. He sings, plays guitar, water, pieces of wood and a variety of household objects. He likes dicking around with effects.
Minus the Hat is self-produced, using a mouse, keyboard and a small cardboard box with a piece of cheese in it.
from Belfast
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23 tracks