Jordan Byron's listening history

vaisvil's avatar
yes my voice sucks and the lyrics are silly. But its all I have...
thetworegs's avatar
Well....the lead in the background and the main is done by a vocal Fx guitars were harmed ......the rest of the music was my trusty M-audio Pro keys ......i sent it over to the other Reg as an example of what i wanted him to do with…
thetworegs's avatar
2011 according to Regs research was pretty shit for most apart from the couple from thought i would use a Chinese theme to the music being that they own it and it was the year they were able to buy most of it cheap.....note to…
kirklynch's avatar
This is a live cut from an NPR radio broadcast back in 1988 while my Irish Trad group Scartaglen was on one of its first east coast tours. Found recently on a cassette tape. Musically this was one of my favorite periods in the history of the band…
Nick Mauro's avatar
This is a recording of me performing with Boom Bits at Spike Hill in Williamsburg on 11-21-11. We play every third Wednesday at Shrine in Harlem.