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On the Shore

Gilbert Neilson

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A new version of an old song I wrote back in the late 80’s. This version is prob a bit too slow but it’s one of those things you get used to after awhile. This recording was also suppose to be a “study” version and then the real recording made. A good idea perhaps but it didn’t happen that way. Next time maybe.
BTW, the sound of the sea rollin’ in is really cars going by my window as I had it wide open on that fairly warm night. :)

Using Pointless picks of course.

Sandy Gritt's avatar
Sandy Gritt said

love the full bassy sound...just devine.

Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wildgeas Music said

Real nice tune.

Guest said

i had fun playing my keys along with this one...what the progression you are using? I seem to have found Emaj to be prediominant. Along with c# d and e in part of the catchy melody line?? I'd have to play around with it some more to be sure...thanks for sharing!

Guest said

Hi Gilbert, hey long time! Lovely, gentle song here with most pleasing lyrics. Good one!

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