
johnkgraham's avatar

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johnkgraham's avatar
The finale of Second Symphony, depicting a group of Iowa farm kids experiencing the state fair at Ottumwa; climax is the official US Army Ranger march, "Rangers Lead the Way."
johnkgraham's avatar
The first movement of Third Symphony; the ravens (clarinet) are under judgment for hassling the tourists, but the case is dismissed as the Fairy Princess has enough of it and begins dancing with her friends around the great fire (fugal coda).
johnkgraham's avatar
The third movement of Third Symphony, describing a group of mule deer transfixed by the light of the moon and stars.
johnkgraham's avatar
This is the finale to Third Symphony, depicting the fall gathering of animals at Yellowstone.
johnkgraham's avatar
The first movement from First Piano Concerto, depicting Chicago's most famous ghost story, "Resurrection Mary" - a musical vignette of her shade dancing over her grave in dancing slippers under a full moon and light falling snow.

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eaglefeather7's avatar
Progressive but simple rock item for orchestra
eaglefeather7's avatar
Classic California blues
eaglefeather7's avatar
Who's the girl in the band?
Jason Earls's avatar
This is an extreme variation of Paganini's 24th Caprice, no where near the original. I just took some parts from it and did them my own way, not trying to follow the original version at all. Thanks for listening.
thetworegs's avatar
Still trying to get the hang of playing Bass ...i can't seem to put it down now.....anyway this is tonights effort.... JUST LET IT FLOW one day i’m up another i’m down most days i’m just floating around my head don’t know what my body wants…

Latest Comments

johnkgraham's avatar
This is the first movement of Festival Mass in C Minor (soloists, choir, organ and full orchestra).
johnkgraham's avatar
johnkgraham said

The lyric setting is in Greek; "Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy, Lord have mercy."

johnkgraham's avatar
This is the first movement of Festival Mass in C Minor (soloists, choir, organ and full orchestra).
Guest said

This is a majestic sounding piece. What do you envision the words that might go with this? (love the kettle drum sound

johnkgraham's avatar
The first movement from First Piano Concerto, depicting Chicago's most famous ghost story, "Resurrection Mary" - a musical vignette of her shade dancing over her grave in dancing slippers under a full moon and light falling snow.
thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said

excellent work!!

johnkgraham's avatar

Composer of orchestral tableaux of American culture and folklore, as well as dance music.

from United States

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