Comments on Keith Landry's stuff

Keith Landry's avatar
What does a songwriter do when he's addicted to Doctor Who (and his new very cute companion)? He writes... Amy Pond Red hair and that pretty face beneath it My how you've grown up after oh so many years I've only been away for ten or…
stoman's avatar
stoman said

When I was out for a walk recently I had your music on my mp3 player. And when I returned back home I almost felt like going for another round - to hear more of it! :) Great song, as usual. Regards, Steffen

Keith Landry's avatar
In 1979, my father came home from the record store with an album that forever changed my life, Pete Seeger's Circles & Seasons. Before I knew Pete to be the blacklisted folk icon that had been on the humanitarian side of every fight since…
Keith Landry's avatar
Keith Landry said

Just giving this a little bump in honor of the release of Pete Seeger's "Circles & Seasons" album on CD... About to play my newly acquired copy!

Keith Landry's avatar
A crazy little song written while considering Ed Robertson's plane crash from a few years back, "Any Landing" is given much legitimacy by Ashley's incredible voice and Kavin Allenson's (Kavin S. Acoustic Church) guitar. Any Landing Learning…
Guest said

I like this song a lot more than the last three. The Landry siblings duo works very well in this song. Definitely, a song that I would wanna hear again.

Keith Landry's avatar
Well, about six months ago, I uploaded a rough study called "Songwriting Day One." I wasn't sure where the song would go, but words came in January just in time for this year's RPM album... And before I forget... Curse you Bm!!! GENEVIEVE…
Guest said

This song starts with a riff that sort of reminds me of the "That's the way" song by Led Zeppelin. It's a nice song but did not impress me as the other ones.

Keith Landry's avatar
When the girl in the room is just too cute for me to concentrate on whatever it was I was trying to do. Anything Done How am I supposed to get anything done With you looking like that I'm so far gone I'm forgetting where I'm at How…
Guest said

Starting with a nice ring of the guitar notes--quiet, subdued and relaxing--this is another good song of yours. However, I would have liked to hear a bit more on this one.

Keith Landry's avatar
Inspired by a picture of my sister at the top of the Estes Cone (I was too out of shape to get up there myself... something I need to do when I return to RMNP). From the Top of the World On the top of the world Nothing 'round 'cept mountain…
Guest said

I like the pauses in this song. To me, the vocal point got a bit hoarse at some . Maybe that was on purpose but it kind of threw me off. This one was OK but not as good as the others.

Keith Landry's avatar
Roughly recorded years ago... A little more properly recorded now. Pass On Love Falling off the fence in year twelve of your lifetime Landing hard'll change your view of time The minutes left in life will count down slowly I need to…
Guest said

Very quiet, personal and reflective song. It touched me. It's somewhat sad but asks the right questions. Excellent composition. Again, short and sweet.

Keith Landry's avatar
So I'm watching Ken Burns' documentary on the National Parks and realize that I'd never written that John Muir song I had been meaning to get to... So I got to it. Tim Alexander (Letter Seventeen) mentioned that he thought the song needed a…
Guest said

I have to admit I did not know who John Muir, the Scottish-born American naturalist, was until I google'd him. Hey, your song taught me something new. Again, the lyrics and the music is nicely done. It's a great story/message song. If I ever get to go to Yosemite national park, I will play this song on my iPod while hicking there, looking for his ghost! I like it a lot. The combination sounds of the ukulele and guitar works very well. To me, its pure Americana. Another great song, Keith!

Keith Landry's avatar
Vocal excellence from girl named Sam... Do you really need any other reason to listen? A Little Playing Blue sky Only getting clearer Blue eyes Like looking in a mirror I can tell just what you're thinking By that tiny little flicker…
Guest said

I can tell that talent runs deeps in the Landry family. Your sister has a great voice as well. The duet works well with two Landrys. It is a nice simple song--melodic, short and sweet. It totally relaxes me. I don't know why. My hat's off to both of you.

Keith Landry's avatar
A few years back (when I lived it Texas), I drove out to an open field to watch the Geminids meteor shower... I really need to remember to look up at the night sky more often. The Showers of December Lying flat on my back Looking…
Guest said

like your arpeggios. That's how this song starts. Nice, melodic and great timing! Again the lyrics induce great imagery of star lights and "counting the constellations in the Massachusetts's sky" in my mind (having been born in the summer and lived most of my life in NE). Good job with this one too, Keith.

Keith Landry's avatar
So I dropped the guitar into DADGAD tuning for the first time, threw a capo on the third fret, rifled off something nice, and sent it to Movement to Contact for his contribution, got it back, did some mixing... Here is the result. YOU NEED…
Guest said

This song is my favorite not only in this album but in all the other albums I have listened to so far (and there are a lot of good songs this year in the RPM). The song starts with one strum of a chord that sounds like the beginning of the "Rain song" by Led Zeppelin. That grabbed my attention immediately but then the real character of the song is revealed. The melodic sound of the strings in the background go very well with guitar. The lyrics are very well done: "Baby where're you going, in such a hurry? Slow down and feel the grass between your toes once in a while...." I was humming that line all day the other day. I like the way the song climaxes to the lead guitar sections with a nice guitar rhythm and strings in the background. The only thing I would suggest is to work on your voice to get the high notes a bit better. Even though you got it, It sounded like they were a bit of a challenge. At any rate, in my humble opinion, this is a hit song!

Keith Landry's avatar
The contrast of this aging "summer boy" and his outdoors-loving daughter who is more than happy to run out into the cold. Late December Late December The nights get so long Turning embers In the dark before dawn Late December For…
Guest said

Good start to the album--slow and nice. I like the arpeggio parts and the way they melt into the nice rhythmic sounds of your chords--great introduction to the song. The timing is right-on. Again the imagery is wonderful. I could feel the late December. Good work!

Keith Landry's avatar
So Jim of "Movement to Contact" asked me a couple of weeks ago to send him something... I had no idea how ridiculously good the final result would come out. KL: Vocals, lyrics, left side rhythm guitar and picking MTC: Lead guitar, bass…
stoman's avatar
stoman said

I haven't found a single song of yours yet that is NOT superb. :)

Keith Landry's avatar
So Jim of "Movement to Contact" asked me a couple of weeks ago to send him something... I had no idea how ridiculously good the final result would come out. KL: Vocals, lyrics, left side rhythm guitar and picking MTC: Lead guitar, bass…
stoman's avatar
stoman said


Keith Landry's avatar
Just my humble attempt to cover Sam's beautiful song... ...with a little theft from U2.
stoman's avatar
stoman said

Simply perfect. Do you have an idea how great your music sounds?

Keith Landry's avatar
After writing this song about our newly adopted dog, I asked Kavin if he like to play some slide guitar, knowing that he would come up with something terrific... I just had no idea how terrific. Bandit rides in the back of my truck A big…
stoman's avatar
stoman said

I'll tell you something, and I'm being serious: I like your music much more than most of the songs they play on the radio today.

Keith Landry's avatar
Damn, I wish I'd written this song!
stoman's avatar
stoman said

I'll have to listen to original song, but this much I can tell you: I LOVE this version.

Keith Landry's avatar
Power outages, deadlines, and needing to leave home. A Girl Named Sam lends some beautiful vocal harmonies.
stoman's avatar
stoman said

Lovely. Your songs are really pretty.

Keith Landry's avatar
Bookending the "Late December" CD, this song about my little girls on Christmas morning holds a special place in my heart. Thanks to Sam and Mick for making it perfect. One Perfect Day Go to sleep my blue-eyed girl The sun is on its…
Gumbo's avatar
Gumbo said


Keith Landry's avatar
Another formerly poorly recorded song... Really a piece of poetry that was put to music (a hit-or-miss approach for me that seemed to work well on this one). Three Times More Dad plants his spring garden For a good summer bounty he's…
Gumbo's avatar
Gumbo said

Haha "Another poorly recorded song .." gimme a break :-p
