Keith Landry's listening history

kirklynch's avatar
More stuff from the ancient archives rescued from the same cassette tape as Last Nights Fun. This time a set of 3 Irish reels Live at a concert back around 1992
kirklynch's avatar
More stuff from the ancient archives rescued from the same cassette tape as Last Nights Fun. This time a set of 3 Irish reels Live at a concert back around 1992
kirklynch's avatar
More stuff from the ancient archives rescued from the same cassette tape as Last Nights Fun. This time a set of 3 Irish reels Live at a concert back around 1992
kirklynch's avatar
This is a live cut from an NPR radio broadcast back in 1988 while my Irish Trad group Scartaglen was on one of its first east coast tours. Found recently on a cassette tape. Musically this was one of my favorite periods in the history of the band…
girl named sam's avatar
RPM 2013 feat. Gary Fox instrumentation collab time trickles in defenses wear thin these holes in our armor grow larger each day steel-edged chills come in close for the kill the line in the sand has been trampled away it's so wrong…
girl named sam's avatar
RPM 2013 I like the way your hair gets flipped the way you curl your lip when you're drinking a little bit too much I like the way your eyes go wide the smile you try to hide when our fingers accidentally touch and I know that you…
Movement To Contact's avatar
Gary Fox's avatar
A brief glimpse, but that's all. Inspired by last April. It's for everyone, but no one in particular. Yes, this one gives more than a passing nod to Ham and Evans. Thanks gents!
Gary Fox's avatar
A brief glimpse, but that's all. Inspired by last April. It's for everyone, but no one in particular. Yes, this one gives more than a passing nod to Ham and Evans. Thanks gents!
The Barn Storm's avatar
Same tracks, updated mixes