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Who's Watching Over You Now

Keith Landry

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The sweet little girl I can’t seem to get
Out of the back of my mind
Isn’t quite sure what she’s looking for yet
And I worry about what she’ll find
Working so hard looking out for herself
I know there are times all alone
She’s always had such a fire in her eyes
I hope it doesn’t go out now that she’s grown

A gentle reminder that she’s a survivor
More than you’ll ever know
Lost her invincible view of the world
In the wreckage so long ago
She’s watching out for everyone else
As much as her time will allow
I look in her eyes and I wonder sometimes
Who’s watching over you now

I sometimes wonder how much more you can take
I pray you’ll never feel the final straw that makes you break

Heading home after a long winter night
How could anyone know
What went through your mind in that slow-motion time
As your car came to rest in the snow
That frost-bitten morning when you walked away
Only scratches and bruises somehow
I look in your fire-lit eyes and I wonder today
Who’s watching over you now

Tharek Ali Mokbul's avatar
Tharek Ali Mokbul said

10 seconds in.... And the track has got me bro... The Subject matter is Perfectly expressed... But the performance bro...!!!! You Don't stumble once! Perfection...... Was this recorded live? From what I have heard of your stuff, I can honestly say that your material rates as high with me as any pro that I may have purchased a CD from... And the best thing about this is that it's free! Awesome Mr Landry.. Awesome..

Guest said

This is such a wonderfully uplifting spring-morning playlist. We've all enjoyed your beautiful sounds this morning.

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