kjwise's listening history

mmi's avatar
Never know what you'll find in the junk yard. This builds Space Junk up to a glorious 7 instances of Alchemy (all frozen and flattened of course).
mmi's avatar
A soundscape using some new toys. Specifically, CamelPhat, CamelSpace, Alchemy and Max for Live.
mmi's avatar
A quasi-ambient experiment with the Hypercyclic plugin. I don't know if it's tacky to listen to your own stuff but I actually do listen to this one a lot.
Gumbo's avatar
There's a whole mythology woven into this song, and hence into the album, and the weave is fine and warm.
kjwise's avatar
This is an unreleased version of a track that ends as a remix of my old time favorite, The Green Bead...
kjwise's avatar
kjwise's avatar
dwdunphy's avatar
I have many musical influences, one of which is that thick Brian Wilson / Beach Boys harmony. While my songwriting is seldom as sunlit and carefree as his, this still should be considered a respectful homage.
mmi's avatar
Another experiment. Today Eos was released. In trying it out, I found 7 random synth clips in my library (not entirely random but they might as well have been). These are fed for somewhat random durations and order through 4 Eos reverbs in…
mmi's avatar
Another experiment. Today Eos was released. In trying it out, I found 7 random synth clips in my library (not entirely random but they might as well have been). These are fed for somewhat random durations and order through 4 Eos reverbs in…