KraftiM's listening history

Newbold's avatar
second part of the A side of a ninety min tape that was manipulated in audacity from 6-4-009 to be used in the video made this morning and posted here and in the last tape minp audio.
Newbold's avatar
tape dubbed to the computer and reworked this morning here for the video stuff ,, will put the youtube thing in momentarily
Doc's avatar
The darkest hours of New Orleans during the 2005 Hurricane Katrina flooding catastrophe, as reflected in N.O. area police radio communications, scanned and streamed to Internet in real time by an unknown local contributor. Dark experimental ambient.
Permanent Tourist's avatar
This is part of a much larger song that I'm dreading having to finish.
Norm's avatar
In Argentina they say "in Argentina everything may change - except the tango", but I couldn't resist adding some percussion to this beautiful nuevo tango by Vincent Voois, composed in the style of Astor Pantaleon Piazzolla. Check out Vincent…
vaisvil's avatar
field recordings and home made 8 string psaltry (enhanced from picture below)
vaisvil's avatar
I resorted to some unmarked old CDRs in the car today on my way to and from my Dad's (I brought him a new laptop) and found one of the earlier collaborations between Norm and myself. This is dedicated to the families who have (and still…
vaisvil's avatar
I'm working on making this old song from Two Old Friends into a better version. Today I got inspired to pick up my daughter's 3/4 size Martin (which makes the runs easier) and recorded this on my Zoom H2.
Reefwalker's avatar
Recording some match lighting samples recently and felt compelled to put some music to it. I put the mic up to some raw acoustic guitar. Bass and lead added with FX. Norm added percussion, making it sound waaaay better. Contributors: lyrics…
Norm's avatar
It was a curious and wondrous thing. One night I was in my studio adding some percussion to the "Quiet Rituals" track by Barry van Oudtshoorn, when my 4 young children (with whom I was long over-due to be tucking into bed and reading a bed…