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SWEET RAIN 121708 - LA SOMBRA - BARBARA sings...

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One night after three month of no rain, as we were driving home from singing at Gringos in Grapevine a splash of water hit the windshield.
I said to myself, “Sweet Rain.”
I went home and wrote the song. It’s on the soundtrack of a movie called THE VANISHING starring Jeff Bridges and Keefer Southerland.

Barbara Taylpr sings lead. Peggy Mitchel and I sing harmony. We played together for many years as TEXAS WATER. Our son, RaByn, then 12, played the guitar lead, the bass and percussion.


G Bass F# Em
It’s been a long dry spell
C Bass B Am
I haven’t done that well
Em D C
And when you reach a certain level
You just get by

I could draw you a map of hell.
Oh the stories I could tell
I watched a daughter of the devil
sit down and cry

C                       G

For rain, rain, rain, SWEET RAIN
Rain, rain, rain, SWEET RAIN
Rain to wash the salt away
Rain to melt a cloudy day

The sun can ruin the land.
Turn your gardens into sand
Lap all the water from the river
until it runs dry

Oh, the ocean’s seen it all
It’s lived to see the forests crawl
Follow the clouds across the mountains
Now tell me why?


(C) 1980 Royal T Music

James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

Candy Davis -Aethereally lovely,I love how the dreamlike music glides beneath the dreamlike lyrics.

James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

Cindy Grayson James Michael Taylor beautiful song

Guest said

Such a fantastic song, and timely for many of us right now.

Guest said

Great to hear Barbara's voice again. I'm playing this for some colleagues.

Guest said

Damn... Barb had such a fine voice! It helped to have good JMT songs to sing... but I think she helped the songs too... like on this song and like on I'D BE GLAD TO LET YOU LOVE ME which is #3 on this album... but... it will be forever and forever in my memory as one of my most favorite songs of all time... on one of my most favorite albums of all time... FITW And I am NOT saying FITW is simply one of my favorite JMT albums! No, I'm saying that FEATHERS IN THE WIND is one of the best albums ever... by anyone!

G-no's avatar
G-no said

So in 1951 you lived in the desert just around the corner from where I grew up , except I wasn't there until 1953 at the ripe and smelly age of 1.I think I was considering buying a house out in the same patch of desert you grew up in. Your Dad might of known a Bob Dollins, he worked at Northrop for a short while . What year did you depart?

Guest said

Oh I lost this one, found it!!!

Guest said

I love this track, and Ms Taylor's voice.

lam's avatar
lam said

Nice song..

Guest said

Who is the lady with the beautiful voice? This song is wonderful.

tim mcfate's avatar
tim mcfate said

wow this is different from what i have heard. again i am finding myself surprized and wanting to hear the next tim

Guest said

can you still get a copy of the recording of sweet rain by texas water? I did not see it on the soundtrack for vanishing? Please let me know-email me at

Guest said

Beautiful song.
