Ed Layne
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Folk instrumental titled after a place in Missouri where loved ones lie in rest.
When it's over, start again and keep on rolling.
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D tuning always helps when your in a writing slump I find anyway.
This is my humble attempt at W.A. Mozart's Piano Concerto No.21 in C major - the Andante section.
This is the first thing I recorded using the telecaster you can see in my profile pic. It's a one-take jam played over one of those guitar magazine backing tracks. Thanks for the listen :-)
This is a piece I did a few years ago. It's basically an up-tempo instrumental rock thing. I was going for a bit of a "shred" vibe on this track & I nicked the idea of the slow blues ending from Ugly Kid Joe :-)
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A lot of songs come to me while driving on trips. I can hear them mostly completed. The song will tell you how it wants to be written.
D tuning always helps when your in a writing slump I find anyway.
This is the first thing I recorded using the telecaster you can see in my profile pic. It's a one-take jam played over one of those guitar magazine backing tracks. Thanks for the listen :-)
This is a piece I did a few years ago. It's basically an up-tempo instrumental rock thing. I was going for a bit of a "shred" vibe on this track & I nicked the idea of the slow blues ending from Ugly Kid Joe :-)
My mother passed away on St. Georges day 2008. This was my response.
Latest Comments
Folk instrumental titled after a place in Missouri where loved ones lie in rest.
This is just beautiful Ed. Wonderful mix of acoustics.
John Robson
This has a fantastic momentum to it... a bit like Rush in places. Superb guitar playing, by the way!
Folk instrumental titled after a place in Missouri where loved ones lie in rest.
I write rock songs and record and play all instruments on them, except for drums which I write the sequences. I also make my best attempt at vocals.
from Jackson, CA, US
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11 tracks