Lee T. Phillips

Lee T. Phillips's avatar

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Lee T. Phillips's avatar
I Remember, is another country song i wrote for the love of my life.. It's a country song that, even me as the writer/artist can't listen to enough..
Lee T. Phillips's avatar
A very close friend of mine stood outside his wife's house and said pretty much these same words after he was stupid and ended up having a one night stand.. I was joking when i told him it sounded like a dam good country tune.. Needless to say…
Lee T. Phillips's avatar
Smile Of An Angel, is a medium paced country song that encompasses everything i've ever wanted, or wanted to say to the love of my life.. Anybody who has loved and lost.. That wanted to let that person know how they truly felt, can relate…
Lee T. Phillips's avatar
My grandfather was the biggest influence in my life.. This song was written about a year after his passing.. It's a contemporary country song that i wrote essentially to heal the pain still felt after the loss.. Anybody who has had to deal…

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Brett Warren's avatar
runway girls and highway crime
Brett Warren's avatar
A frou frou romp through the psych ward.
Brett Warren's avatar
A song about Cindy punching Steve in the face because he probably deserved it.
henwrench's avatar
thetworegs's avatar
Gene sent me this excellent backer with him kicking up a storm and i added my vocal hope you enjoy i Did.............................

Latest Comments

Lee T. Phillips's avatar
Smile Of An Angel, is a medium paced country song that encompasses everything i've ever wanted, or wanted to say to the love of my life.. Anybody who has loved and lost.. That wanted to let that person know how they truly felt, can relate…
Guest said

You must of truly loved her. She's one lucky lady. I'm jealous.

Lee T. Phillips's avatar
My grandfather was the biggest influence in my life.. This song was written about a year after his passing.. It's a contemporary country song that i wrote essentially to heal the pain still felt after the loss.. Anybody who has had to deal…
Guest said

Dam good song.

Lee T. Phillips's avatar

I’m just a down home country boy, (yes, living in New York and still a country boy).. I know it’s hard to fathom, that somebody from NY could be raised on a farm, but i’m living proof they do.. It’s not all lights, traffic, and insanity all over New York.. I’m just hoping to make a difference via my music.. I hope y’all enjoy my songs and leave me some comments..

from Olean NY, United States

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