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Measuring Desert

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Measuring Desert by Lena & Irina Panfilova is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License.

Norm's avatar
Norm said

Now this really works! Well done!

Guest said

this is performed superbly. The vocals and the keys match nicely. Sounds very jazzy to me, with hints of other cultures mixed deeply into it as well. What a fascinating piece this is.

Guest said

Excellent composition and vocals, and many surprising turns in it

Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wildgeas Music said

delightfully groovy.

Guest said

try bein a bit more bold with muz and voice hope u dont think i bein nasty ;)

Gareth Grant's avatar
Gareth Grant said

Thankyou so much for your kind words.

Gareth Grant's avatar
Gareth Grant said

Please would you take the time to comment / listen to my new track - 'About turn'. Look forward to your comments.

Guest said

Nice work.

Guest said


Guest said

Great (vox and music).

Gareth Grant's avatar
Gareth Grant said

Hi Ladies, Great feel to your track. Are you familiar with English band ELO ? Gareth.

Guest said

I would like to make a public apology for being an insensitive jerk. I hope I can be forgiven. I was having a bad day. But that's really no excuse.

Guest said

Great track, ladies, well produced, well played and lovely jazzy vocal. Welcome to Alonetone!

Guest said

You two need someone else to write the music for you. Sorry to say. You certainly have the looks. I was listening to glu's music. I think you should team up with him. His music has a somewhat seductive side to it that would match your looks and singing voices. Use your diaphragm more. Sorry if you don't like what I say. Just see me as the bad guy on American Idol and Britians Got talent. What's that guys name? I'm tempted to tell you everything is perfect just because you are so, so sexy.

Guest said


 ShamPain's avatar
ShamPain said

very cool quite a jazzy feel to it.nice clear vocal. like it

Guest said

lovely pristine crispness infiltrates with curly edges.

drakonis's avatar
drakonis said

Wild music, flying over jazzy mountains across Spain and the Middle-east... and somehow your singing keeps up with it all quite beautifully. This is dizzy-fun!
