lgh's listening history

Tharek Ali Mokbul's avatar
About a place in the world that is very special. But It would be just another bit of rock if it wasn't for the people I shared it with.... This one is called “Stone”... Peace T Vocal and Lyrics by Jim Higgins we raced…
thetworegs's avatar
Frank has turned up at Reg's cellar with Louis and the Duke with a tune that Frank is claiming to be about his latest love affair, so naturally Reg switched on his tape recorder........
thetworegs's avatar
Frank has turned up at Reg's cellar with Louis and the Duke with a tune that Frank is claiming to be about his latest love affair, so naturally Reg switched on his tape recorder........
thetworegs's avatar
Frank has turned up at Reg's cellar with Louis and the Duke with a tune that Frank is claiming to be about his latest love affair, so naturally Reg switched on his tape recorder........
Sandy Gritt's avatar
Danny Zuko from the motion picture Grease sung by Sandy Gritt written by Louis St. Louis and Scott Simon
fuzzfilth's avatar
no synth, just guitars, drums and bass
fuzzfilth's avatar
started out as a demo collection of parts, then the collaboration fell apart, so that's how it stays.
fuzzfilth's avatar
fuzzfilth's avatar
fuzzfilth's avatar