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To be clear: the title comes from a place near where I grew up. There was a place one could squeeze through between two sandstone cliffs if one were thin, or a kid. I was a kid.
I’ve got a couple vocal things I’ve been wanting to record…
I used to spend time with my 4-track just starting to drop track after track, building up a recording as it came. I hadn’t done this for well over a decade until I did that last recording, a bit over a week ago. This one has a more conventional…
I have recorded since 1998 to my computer, generally using ProTools but also Garageband. For various reasons, I am not in a position where I can record to computer easily right now. I do have a 4-track cassette recorder, though, and I dusted…
Last night I went to my meditation group, and in the portion of it where we are to share how our practice is going I made the point that I feel in the last month, having made a lot of changes to my life, like I’ve woken up from a 20-year bender…
As an aside, I’ve also made a page on Bandcamp for my music.
I was listening yesterday morning to the Carolina Chocolate Drops, and this tune, the first on their record, Dona’s Got a Ramblin’ Mind (or here, in iTunes), came on. Their version…
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Maybe should have saved this for Halloween. Another oldie, this was really just a demo - keyboard, drum machine and voices/effects on a cassette - the whole thing recorded via the built-in mic of a second cassette player. Hi-tech or what ? Although…
Another one created by bouncing tracks between 2 ordinary cassette recorders. Includes some of my earliest samples [made on cassette], not to mention chanting Buddhist monks and the voice of T.S. Eliot reading from 'Four Quartets'. Tried to fit…
A collaboration with Bidoche Musique from [I think] Belgium. Pre-digital days, so thats collaboration by sending cassettes back and forth. How we used to live in the old days, kids !
Another oldie from the cassette era. The title is from a favorite episode of cult TV show 'The Prisoner'.
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This, it turns out somewhat surprisingly to me, is the first original, vocal tune I've posted here. So be it: I like the tune, and the recording, after an initial try that was not only in too high a key for my voice (never a good idea) but was…
I used to spend time with my 4-track just starting to drop track after track, building up a recording as it came. I hadn’t done this for well over a decade until I did that last recording, a bit over a week ago. This one has a more conventional…
As an aside, I’ve also made a page on Bandcamp for my music.
I was listening yesterday morning to the Carolina Chocolate Drops, and this tune, the first on their record, Dona’s Got a Ramblin’ Mind (or here, in iTunes), came on. Their version…
I have recorded since 1998 to my computer, generally using ProTools but also Garageband. For various reasons, I am not in a position where I can record to computer easily right now. I do have a 4-track cassette recorder, though, and I dusted…
I've been listening to a ton of free jazz recently, and having just read Amiri Baraka's Black Music, I checked out Albert Ayler, about whom I'd heard for years. I was floored.
I knew that John Fahey was a fanatic, and thought I'm not the world…
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This, it turns out somewhat surprisingly to me, is the first original, vocal tune I've posted here. So be it: I like the tune, and the recording, after an initial try that was not only in too high a key for my voice (never a good idea) but was…
cool song , i like the lyrics. I think the vocals are good. so much for friendly fire...
loucollins doesn't have anything to say, unfortunately...
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