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She Ain't My Girl

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This is a Lumberforked version of a Sir Alfred IV – check them out on alonetone.

Guest said

ah thanks for the commment man. my little brother plays that game btw.

Guest said

cool,bright,sunny and smooth! nice one

Sir Alfred IV's avatar
Sir Alfred IV said

Outstanding. You fixed it!

Simfonik Plague's avatar
Simfonik Plague said

This is a great tune. Guitar tone is as Mr(Ms.[?]) launched said, "enviable," and that at the very least. Vocal tonalities are exquisite and absolutely appropriate for the tune. In my own extremely humble and unsolicited opinion, I think that the vox could "sit" a bit more comfortably with this damn-near-perfectly-recorded acoustic guitar. Perhaps bump up the vox a smidge and send both tracks to an almost inaudible, warm, and very tight plate reverb? Don't listen to me. Great tune and great production!

launched's avatar
launched said

Enviable guitar tone. I want that sound.
