Norbert Oldani's listening history
EOB x2 and loads of effects, software or otherwise.
First of two pieces using what I refer to as my "egg slicer guitar" because it is an electronic toy guitar that has what look like six metal strings, but are in fact just one piece of wire that is looped around posts at either end and sound like…
guitar and strings and trombone and drum kit mix
using 3 different scales in this all starting on D.
Malahari, Desc
Chromatic Hypodorian
Whole tone
random arpeggios with drum kit
Mash-up of Coelocanth's "Fool's Errand" with a recording I'd made some time ago attempting to recreate a part of Steve Reich's "It's Gonna Rain". It was necessary to slow the tempo Coelocanth's track ever so slightly to even out the length, but…