Mac McIntyre's listening history

R. J. Garn's avatar
Taken from my Desert Rat album. Recorded live during a BBQ at my Torrey Utah homestead. Recorded on a Fostex cassette four track in 1985.
R. J. Garn's avatar
In the early 70s I lived near Haight Ashbury, played music and was deeply involved in that scene. Wrote this song a few years later about those days. Recorded in one take at Rosewood studios..not bragging on the one take, we booked a full day…
Wrinkled Shirt's avatar
This was an interesting experience put together :)
Robert James's avatar
50/90 Challenge song number five of 50. I feel like most of what I am coming up with right now is overly simplistic. Is that a conscious thing or not? I don't know. This one has the benefit of being a blues in A minor in 3/4 time. A waltzing…
Coolparadiso's avatar
I know things are not what it seems But not sure what it means All that is hidden deep down inside Stop the drinking Tell me what you’re thinking Why oh why why wont you confide Its only time it buys Those gentle subtle lies How and…
Robert James's avatar
50/90 song number six. A couple of experimental type things (for me, at least) on this song. First: I mixed this through actual speakers. I feel a little giddy just typing that. I don't think I've mixed anything through speakers since…
Robert James's avatar
50/90 Challenge song Seven of 50. Eh. I don't think I like this one. The vocal melody I came up with was a tad too much for my meager singing skills. It wasn't too bad, just not that good. Oh well. The groove is kinda fun to solo over…
Robert James's avatar
50/90 Song number eight of 50. In my defense, I did give you seven whole songs before sharing the one with the 24 measures of backwards guitar solo buried under 700 tons of delay and a rotary speaker. I didn't drop this soupy mess onto you…
Mac McIntyre's avatar
Another in a series of refreshed past tracks - new bass, guitar parts, drums and vocal tinkering. ;)
Mac McIntyre's avatar
So the lyrics come from another age, but they sounded so relevant to the recent lockdown world, that I decided to stitch them into a completely different track. So, there ya go!