mcgumbrie's listening history

sleggthesockpuppet's avatar
Newbold's avatar
a likely story but all of it is true,,,, the alien flying saucer landed stayed for lunch and then disappeared just as fast.. Rewind for the dvd's mmmm the levels are off and I uploaded it anyway. ahh
Glenn Murawski's avatar
An experimental track of mine. The intro is meant to give the feel of a spaceship landing on another planet, then there is a dirty bass riff acompanied by some other synths and an electric koto!
Tipu's avatar
Breaking Light's avatar
Mr Sandbags's avatar
A demo track for a new Reaktor instrument I'm building codename: Mimetron. Loop Guitar 1 is a long, flowing, ambient piece. Mellow with a few moments of grit. Mimetron is a 3 voice sampler that is driven by incoming audio. It has 3 channels…
Mr Sandbags's avatar
A rather more fundamentally experimental piece with Reichenbach's new *drift* mode. In this mode a probability matrix controls periodic changes in the loop length and/or position. Once more I am using one of the awesome [Rekkerd mixed bag](http…
mmi's avatar
A meditation of sorts. Arose from experimentation with a technique described here This is a single take with a bunch of reverb added after the fact in Reaper (also an experiment…
mmi's avatar
Playing with some new toys and techniques, threw this down.
mmi's avatar
Two guitar tracks, lots of effects and some beer. For the gear heads, the effects list was: EHX - Freeze EHX - Memory Man with Hazarai TC - Hall of Fame Reverb Digitech - JamMan Stereo TC/PGS - Trinity Reverb xotic - EP booster NI - Guitar Rig 4