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MCOBigBen's avatar
Captured the sound of the amazing rains in a Costa Rica rain forest, and then wrote a song to go over it that has nothing to do with Costa Rica.
MCOBigBen's avatar
This was a collab between my 9 year old daughter and me, produced with the sounds we'd recorded in the cloud forests of Monteverde.
MCOBigBen's avatar
Created with some recordings I did while visiting San Jose while on vacation with my family. Starts with day sounds, and ends with night sounds. I tried to capture the hot, busy, hard edge of the city during, transitioning to the sweet nature…
Floppy Jalopy's avatar
To infinity and beyond!
Floppy Jalopy's avatar
Title Track for the album. Title says it all.

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uglifruit's avatar
Feb 21st 2013.

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MCOBigBen's avatar
This was a collab between my 9 year old daughter and me, produced with the sounds we'd recorded in the cloud forests of Monteverde.
Guest said


MCOBigBen's avatar
I bought myself a bass, and was unhappy with the amount of hum it I decided to hide it under buckets of distortion in this pre-punk throwback.
Guest said

Al Jourgensen on vacation.sounds good to me

MCOBigBen's avatar
Chapter 1 on a short story in concept album form.
AMUC's avatar
AMUC said

I'm really digging this -- the vocals play nicely with the subdued instrumentation. (Cool concept too.)

MCOBigBen's avatar
Chapter 1 on a short story in concept album form.
ghostly's avatar
ghostly said

Sorry, that last comment was from me, forgot to sign in, d'oh! Loving the concept, loving the result! Were the vocals laid down on the iphone too? Was it mixed on the iphone? All impressive anyway. :)

MCOBigBen's avatar
Chapter 1 on a short story in concept album form.
Guest said

Loving the concept, loving the result! Were the vocals laid down on the iphone too? Was it mixed on the iphone? All impressive anyway. :)

MCOBigBen's avatar

I’m a working stiff in the gaming industry. I had a small recording studio in the 90’s that cost way too much money, and was replaced entirely by new tech within a few years.

Now I’ve discovered microstudio/iOS recording with NanoStudio, and am back in the game!

I’m very interested in collaboration. Genius lies at the intersection of groups.

My style is the pop side of electronica with a history of non-electronic alt rock.

from San Mateo, United States

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