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I like this track allot, it had a good feeling when we recorded it!

Synaptic Disturbance's avatar
Synaptic Disturbance said

Cool tune! Can't decide who it reminds me of... a bit Metallica, a bit Soulmotor I think.

Guest said

Those Friday night guys are at it again. Slammin' tune gents! ~Geas

Guest said

Yes, and I have a good feeling listening to it. Awesome. And then some more awe.

Minibar Madness's avatar
Minibar Madness said

Like the verse guitars - rocking!

kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

Damn Fine ROCK!!!

Guest said

Sweet guitar solo!

Guest said

Just awesome! Love the intro and then it goes into rocking out. Kick ass man!
