Comments on mmi's stuff

mmi's avatar
Haven't recorded anything in a while. Stuff busting to get out... Here's one of the ideas I'm playing around with.
glu's avatar
glu said


mmi's avatar
Haven't recorded anything in a while. Stuff busting to get out... Here's one of the ideas I'm playing around with.
Max Sipowicz's avatar
Max Sipowicz said

I agree with what sandbags said before me. Its quite awesome :)

mmi's avatar
Haven't recorded anything in a while. Stuff busting to get out... Here's one of the ideas I'm playing around with.
Mr Sandbags's avatar
Mr Sandbags said

This is perfect Sunday morning music, ethereal, floaty, lovely.

mmi's avatar
This is a track that I started and glu finished (more like knocked out of the park).
Guest said


mmi's avatar
First, I did Voices. Then glu worked his magic. Then I hated my guitar part so I redid it. Here's the result.
Guest said

GluMMI makes me happy. This has such a great hook - the vocalisations are such a wonderful touch. Really works, guys.

mmi's avatar
This is a track that I started and glu finished (more like knocked out of the park).
Folly's avatar
Folly said

damn i'm liking this man, this is good

mmi's avatar
This is a track that I started and glu finished (more like knocked out of the park).
glu's avatar
glu said

hello e-bowed guitars, meet the didgeridoo and tabla!

mmi's avatar
This is a track that I started and glu finished (more like knocked out of the park).
kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

I could get lost in this one all day, and the mix sounds even better in cans!

mmi's avatar
First, I did Voices. Then glu worked his magic. Then I hated my guitar part so I redid it. Here's the result.
kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

Yes! Very nice!

mmi's avatar
First, I did Voices. Then glu worked his magic. Then I hated my guitar part so I redid it. Here's the result.
Guest said

OOO, this is nice!

mmi's avatar
A little something I threw together while waiting for Godot.
glu's avatar
glu said

damn, this is touching. more of the same please!

mmi's avatar
Going through the various things I had kicking around before the RPM Challenge and before I upgraded to Live 8, I found this unfinished Live 7 thing... Frenetic fun. Boring technical details: I honestly can't remember much about it which to…
Guest said

aptly named. i love the 303 squelch. - @ahonoe

mmi's avatar
I tried to make something a little less dark than my recent output.
Guest said

Lovely and ploppy!

mmi's avatar
My homage to Brian Eno.
Guest said

I don't know what you've captured here, but it's out of this world powerful, emotive, and it digs deep. Wish I could fave it again.

mmi's avatar
On IRC, somebody was asking about routing to I got to playing around attempting to help them out. This throw-away piece came out...
DanielB 's avatar
DanielB said

This has a really good thud to it! Great synth sounds.

mmi's avatar
A little something I threw together while waiting for Godot.
Guest said

Okay, I'm inspired!

mmi's avatar
On IRC, somebody was asking about routing to I got to playing around attempting to help them out. This throw-away piece came out...
Guest said

Wow, love the space in this and that meaty synth!

mmi's avatar
Alternate title: Gratuitous Love Scene Just hacking around with these chords; added some stuff and before I knew it I had one of those bits of cheesy music that accompanies those gratuitous sex scenes...
Guest said

Very gratuitous, perfect.

mmi's avatar
Spastic + Angular = Spazangles
Guest said

Gives me images of someone gracefully falling up a very long flight or stairs.

mmi's avatar
Stuck in a gilded prison.
Guest said

Great forboding energy...another powerful track. You capture human insecurities and put them to cool beats.
