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C dorian flat 2

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A long meditation/wank.

This weeks guitar lesson we started looking at melodic minor modes. I went home and started practicing scales. Wasn’t long before I got stuck on Dorian flat 2. So I fired up the looper and recorded a session.

Funny how once the record light is on it’s never as good as what you were doing that you drove you to record in the first place.

But rather than throw it away I started the heavy processing. Then added a synth bass part. Duped that with a different patch and pretty soon my uncle Bob said that’s enough.

The scale, for those interested is, in general:

1 b2 b3 4 5 6 b7 8

or specifically:

C Db Eb F G A Bb C
Guest said

I almost got into a dream like state. Awesome song man!

Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wildgeas Music said

Every time I listen to your music, I gotta start recording. Sorry to comment twice. :D

magneticgoat's avatar
magneticgoat said

I feel the sun shining even though it's dark out.

Guest said

Sitting in the sunroom on this cool autumn day, listening to this dancing about the sound of my windchimes... Wow, almost eerie. Something's going to happen today.

Guest said

This inspired me to hit the books again and read up on things that have cobwebs on them in my head. Somehow this lead me to checking out a tutorial on how to play Billy Joel's Piano Man...this in turn led to playing with the f blues scale in ravensguide...which turned into a kikass I think. Kinda jazzy blues..with funk thrown in. I'll finish it later and upload it..thanks for the inspiration.

Mr Sandbags's avatar
Mr Sandbags said

Totally hypnotic.

kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

Great stuff man! Your clean guitar sounds are just crystalline!

Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wildgeas Music said

Uncle Paul says this is excellent! I appreciate you posting the scale. I like the Dorian mode and never considered a flat 2nd. powering up the Roland.

glu's avatar
glu said

lovely! I hope you make more 10+ minute tunes.. perfect for reading/zoning out
