Movement To Contact's listening history
Apocrypha is a progressive rock song in the sense of Rush more than ELP or Yes. I had come up with the guitar and via my GR-20 the strings - everything else you hear was performed by my long time collaborator Frank Miller (Phantasm777) - so that…
I could have sworn I uploaded this here before but... I sure can't find it.
4 track cassette
fender mustang
MXR distortion+
One more instrumental before I move on to the vocals...
I came up with this riff one hazy night when I was 19. I'm in my 30s now, and rather more sober, but I still like playing this. It felt good to finally flesh it out.
You know I'm diggin' and scratchin' when I start
sounding like Jimmy Buffet elevator musak :)
Oooooo the delightful chaos of RPM
This has 2 percussion loops, midi drums, midi fretless bass, some midi strings, synths, and piano, 2 gallons of…