Movement To Contact's listening history

thelkgc's avatar
thelkgc's avatar
thelkgc's avatar
kavin.'s avatar
Ok here's the whole enchiada. Consists of the tracks Alnilam,Alnitak and Mintaka.
Tharek Ali Mokbul's avatar
What is less.... W/M by OsCKilO Wealthy though our Wage has long been spent. Treasures here from old world comforts rest . Don't have no Limousine come calling at my door. Can't buy my time - while -I am running late. See, hear…
Wildgeas Music's avatar
Blah, Blah, blah, - (pause) Blah, blah, blah, blah!! I can't take it no mo'. I'm buggin' out. Oooooo! look at all the pretty colors.
Wildgeas Music's avatar
Whew! Thank the music Gods that is over with. Now I can get back to my meager existence. Honey, I need a fat steak and some beer. A whole heap of it!
vaisvil's avatar
Apocrypha is a progressive rock song in the sense of Rush more than ELP or Yes. I had come up with the guitar and via my GR-20 the strings - everything else you hear was performed by my long time collaborator Frank Miller (Phantasm777) - so that…
kavin.'s avatar
ditty #5 for the RPM Challenge. Alnitak is the left star in the belt of the Orion constellation. This is part 1 of the Orion's Belt Trilogy.
Keith Landry's avatar
A song of love, loss, and unrelenting hatred for those pin-striped S.O.B.'s. WARNING: You might hear an occasional F-bomb.