Movement To Contact's listening history

Reefwalker's avatar
Different recording here as the electric guitar, bass guitar were not plugged in, just recorded raw with a power mic and then EQ'ed to make it sound amped - pardon mistakes!
Les's avatar
The copyright and exclusive publishing rights to this track in its entirety are owned by Resource Sound Ltd. Any copying, broadcasting or illegal downloading of this material is strictly prohibited and will be vigorously pursued through the UK…
Les's avatar
The first part of a series of instrumentals I intend to write. The copyright and exclusive publishing rights to this track in its entirety are owned by Resource Sound Ltd. Any copying, broadcasting or illegal downloading of this material is…
JESMIAUS 's avatar
sneak peak at what I've been upto this one is still up for collab as it could go far into different direction. Inspiration comes from albums from bands like Isis, Russian Circles and Metallica.
Reefwalker's avatar
Different recording here as the electric guitar, bass guitar were not plugged in, just recorded raw with a power mic and then EQ'ed to make it sound amped - pardon mistakes!
Tharek Ali Mokbul's avatar
For Smoking Joe... Wondered what might be fitting. Thought some music to train to may be appropriate.
epimeison's avatar order to.......?
Breaking Light's avatar
A drone piece, recorded during equipment check for a live perf. A room recording, stereo amp setup.
epimeison's avatar
Self-alienated sounds at night.
vaisvil's avatar
Electronics and looped guitar For more and a beautiful picture from a friend: