Movement To Contact's listening history
Well Johnny kindly bought Rock n Roll down the cellar tonight and Bon decided to jump up and give this beauty his best it was a hell of a time and Johnny nearly blew his amps up. The whole cellar was shaking and so was Bon when he finished singing…
Sometimes you need to stay up late to try to force yourself to dream.
When I wrote this song (and started singing it a bit), I knew that my voice could never give it what it needed... So I turned it over to one Sister Savage... And she did…
From Norm's modifed Stealing Pumpkins created by MTC....Jim, I'll send you the guitar track only for your masterpiece :)
Percussion - Rick banging on his guitar
Guitar -Rick pickin on his guitar
Got my 70's on...lots of cool loops from Garageband and various effects on my acoustic guitar... Sit back and enjoy!
Prayers to the folks in Japan, We dodged a bullet in Hawaii!
Kaia my wonderful new grand daughter @ 6 months old!