Movement To Contact's listening history
Slowly I awaken, from a hellish little dream
Like a blossom that's been plucked to early
No time to bear it's fruit
Conscience contradictions, envelope me in their gloom
Can't embrace the darkness, or the light that it consumes
10 Year Anniversary: Remastered
This track for me defines the name Movement To Contact as well as how I like to write music. The silent build of a wave and then the peaceful slide onto the shore once it has passed.
Just another obscure saint. Not much known about him. Probably much more important and significant than any of us will ever realize.
Oh, yeah, and then there is Saint Simon. Same thing for him.
RIP Alex.
3 Congas, Vintage Bass Cocktail…
Motion, set in motion by your actions
Forced to hide in this cavern
Where your spear tip will not reach
Display, on display for the big show
Hand fed by humans now if I could only reach above the water
I reach out with all…
Creating conscience collectives
Subjugate yourself for delivery
The undisputed tolerant dictator following
Underground slave to the state
Righteous device of the chosen few
Discovery of the demon, but you don't know what to do
Collecting coins, for your fountain of youth
A life based on substance
What you have you can't lose
The bottom is ugly
Tattooed on their skin
The top of this world
Must be right where you live
You flaunt what you have
Attention you crave…
Analyze analytical actions I suppose
Formatting frustration fickle fascination falls
Recite riddles maybe, or measure many moves
Controlling correct posture
Pulsing perpendicular
I know to some degree the source of the lyrical…
There's a darkness creeping in the woods by a brimstone tree
A withered headless horseman traveling on the breeze
A mighty footprint measured 15 inches long
Whispered voices rolling in off the fog
Transcribe plates made of stone…