Movement To Contact's listening history
Not to start a George tribute, but here's a cover I did with Facemask93 that I really love. All I did was bass, backing vox and the drum pattern arrangement - I did feel a little like a dope trying to sing along with Rob's amazing voice, but will…
Another one rebuilt after my freak SD card initialization fiasco. The excellent solo work was done by my buddy Gnasty - I love it!
This is the second part of a two part song. I'll get the other part up next hopefully.
Badass Solos: Gnasty…
Came up with this Before bed last night.
Had to record it this morning so I wouldn't forget the Sound of it...
Live recording
I'll do a better version when I have more time...
Well.... Off to work for me...
This is…
This is something that needs more development and absolutely not finished yet. Thanks for listening
A song about falling asleep on the couch, so there is no mystery to it! But the loose change is in the cushions, lights and tv are on, and the oven has been set to 350 for several hours :)
One vocal & acoustic take with a harmony and noodle…
Just an improvisation and some field recordings. Nothing much. There a lot of mistakes. You can tell I *didn't* use autotune....
Well, I realized while listening to so many other great rough cuts and demos (and how much I enjoyed listening to them), that it was about time I contributed to the process. Rather than posting only completed songs, I decided to put up the rough…
Well, I realized while listening to so many other great rough cuts and demos (and how much I enjoyed listening to them), that it was about time I contributed to the process. Rather than posting only completed songs, I decided to put up the rough…